The Origin of Basketball

 Peach Baskets, a ripped up soccer ball, and a YMCA college professor created one of the largest sports in the world. In 1891, teacher James Naismith would use some materials around him and his brain to create the game of Basketball. Today, basketball is a regularly played game amongst boys and girls but little people know about its origins. 

First off, let’s talk about the leaps and bounds the NBA (National Basketball Association) over its first fifty two seventy five years. When the NBA was first developed the rules were way different. There was no cross overs, windmill dunks, or flashy passes, instead a player would have to dribble with one hand, little defense was played on the perimeter, and there was no three point line. This caused low viewership as it was not the exciting, high paced, action filled game we know it as nowadays. After many league changes and listening to the fans the NBA has found the perfect mix of skill and entertainment to create one of the most productive sport products in the world. With basketball now being world wide with many leagues in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Basketball was also added to the Olympics in the 1980s. 

With the raising popularity of men’s basketball it was only natural that women create there own league as well, so in 1996 the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) was created. Since then, the WNBA has been a mild success. It’s harder because with the lacking of some of the natural athleticism that the super athletes of the NBA have. Though there may be less dunks, explosiveness, and highlight plays, it still is a great case of competitive basketball. High end competition spread all around both respective leagues that still brings in revenue, profit, and most importantly entertainment.  


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